• Marjorie Velazquez Stands With Working People 




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    On affordable housing:

    Marjorie is a dedicated advocate for tenants. She has fought to provide housing for seniors and veterans, supported legislation to expand rental assistance, and developed new affordable housing units in District 13.

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    On public safety:

    Marjorie is a dedicated advocate for our safety. She won funding for new security cameras in the district, advocated for and secured dozens of police officers in the district, and supported legislation cracking down on catalytic converter theft.

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    On workers' rights:

    Marjorie has joined workers on picket lines, sponsored legislation requiring fast food employees to be trained on their rights as workers, and helped to create good-paying union jobs in the district.

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    Marjorie Velazquez

    Democrat for City Council

    District 13

    Council Member Marjorie Velazquez is a proven champion for the Bronx. As the first woman of color and the first Latina to represent District 13, she has worked diligently throughout her first term to serve her district and her city.


    Even before her election, Marjorie was no stranger to public service. In 2012, Marjorie suffered life-changing injuries from a workplace accident and a subsequent serious car crash that left her temporarily disabled. During this time, Marjorie witnessed first-hand the dysfunction and excessive costs of the healthcare system, which galvanized her volunteerism and desire to give back to her community. During her recovery, Marjorie’s life went from one of painful struggle to one of public service.

  • Don't belive the hype: Kristy Marmorato is just another far-right MAGA Republican 

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    Kristy Marmorato has been endorsed by individuals with close ties to the far-right insurrectionist and neo-Nazi group the “Proud Boys”, as well as associates of former President Donald Trump, who has now been indicted four times. Get The Facts > 

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    She also launched her campaign with convicted fraudster Nancy Marks, infamous for her work with MAGA ally George Santos’ campaign. Get The Facts > 



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    With friends like these, it’s no wonder she now finds herself under fire for suspicious campaign contributions coming from employees at the Board of Elections - where Marmorato’s husband is a powerful official. Get The Facts >

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    MAGA has no place in our communities. Don’t vote for Kristy Marmorato.